Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Ok, the exciting splurge post is forthcoming, but I had to post some pictures from this editorial first:

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I'm tempted to adopt this Indiana-Jones-In-His-Professorial-Disguise look (minus the mom jeans in the third image) as soon as the weather allows me. Everything about this speaks to me! And in the voice of Harrison Ford, no less.

I have some passable equivalent of everything in these pictures, except 1] Anna Jagodzinska's hot face (damn), 2] those ugly bags (mine are better), and 3] the glasses. . . and hey! Guess what? I totally lost my old ones and have been restricted to a rigorous contacts only program for months! Damn, dirty, attractive eyeball-revealing contacts. I am therefore in dire need of some specs to ugly things up. And by ugly, I mean awesome.

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Resistance Is Futile

I’m not going to apologize for my absence. I’ve been sailing uncharted seas, escaping from cannibals, saving hot dudes from horrible monsters, and poking Cyclopes in the eye. Are you reading this, hot dudes? You’re welcome!

Oh… and I’ve also put myself on a shopping ban. You can see how such a thing might dampen my enthusiasm for lovely material desires. But a combination of factors beyond my control (having a weak willpower muscle, discovering an exciting new brand, general greed) are now threatening to stomp all over my shopping ban, leaving behind only a pile of dust and a sensation of deep and sudden poverty behind. More about these specific desires in my next post.

For now, feast on this sampling of excellent black and whites that have been shaking up my inspiration folder, inspiring the heck out of me.

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